KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 184 of 250

Durgan bites his nails as Sessativa thinks - Page 184 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 7th Jul, 2016 - 1:58pm

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5th Jul, 2016 - 3:48am / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 184

The Swift Sword says...

Zork turns to Durgan, "Do you have anymore fireballs? I think that spider is in need of some roasting." While saying that he wonders if this spider is magical.

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5th Jul, 2016 - 5:55am / Post ID: #
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Chainbreaker says...

Out of Character: Sessativa wouldn't have waited so long that her spell ran out. Maybe only 30 seconds.

In Character: "Good idea, Zork," Durgan says. "But I can't aim it. Sessativa, take my helm."

"But it clashes with my robes," she whines.

"Just do it woman!"

She takes the helm, this time pushing off the tower to move away and up, to stay out of the spider's reach. When she sees the spider again she focuses on a great ball of fire and begins shouting "Blink" repeatedly.

Durgan Results:
  • Fireball 1 on D6 (+0): 4, 4, 1, 4, 1, 6 (6 rolls)
  • Fireball 2 on D6 (+0): 5, 5, 2, 4, 4, 4 (6 rolls)
  • Fireball 3 on D6 (+0): 1, 6, 2, 3, 1, 1 (6 rolls)

Post Date: 6th Jul, 2016 - 1:35am / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG Archive Pathfinder / D&D

Mark off Three gems from the helm. Sessativa watches as the fire balls seem to go right through the spider like it is not even there. It looks are her again and starts heading in her direction.

6th Jul, 2016 - 11:39am / Post ID: #
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Page 184 RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Swift Sword says...

Out of Character: Maybe its an illusion.

Zork is wondering what's happening but since he cannot see can only hope that the spider is being fried.

6th Jul, 2016 - 1:52pm / Post ID: #
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RPG Dragons and Dungeons Advance KNtoran

The Chainbreaker says...

"It's not working at all!" Shivas shouts as she feebly flaps in the air, trying in vain to put more distance between herself and the tower. "They just pass through!"

Durgan thinks quickly and shouts back, "Use a different gem! Think of rainbows and fire a Prismatic Spray!"

Sessativa follows his instructions and aims for the spider.

Out of Character: I'm not 100% sure on the mechanics here, with only 1 target. I'd appreciate if you rolled for me and explained what to do for next time.

Post Date: 6th Jul, 2016 - 10:30pm / Post ID: #

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG
A Friend

KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG

Roll a saving throw vs intelligence for Sessativa. She needs to roll her intelligence or less. I will tell you what occurs after I see the roll.

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7th Jul, 2016 - 10:32am / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG - Page 184

The Swift Sword says...

In Character: Zork starts to think, "What if she dies and her body goes lymph… the weight of her body on gravity means it will be really be hard to keep her body from pulling him down too." He starts to sweat.

7th Jul, 2016 - 1:58pm / Post ID: #
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KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 184

The Chainbreaker says...

Durgan bites his nails as Sessativa thinks really hard.

Out of Character: Even though I should pass, wish me luck!

Durgan Results:
  • Intelligence on D20 (+0): 13 (1 roll)

> TOPIC: KNtoran Advance Dungeons & Dragons RPG


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