The dog attacks the spider dealing 9 damage to the spider. The spider attacks the dog dealing 6 damage.
The next round Zork and the dog team up and does a total of 19 damage to the spider killing it before it could attack back. The spiders are all dead.
Looking about you see that this room may have been a sitting room with a couple book cases and a couple tables that have been over turned and chairs that are scattered towards the walls. There are five chairs in all. One chair is padded and nicely carved. The others simple wooden but functional chairs. There is a scattering of books on the shelves. Everyone roll a D6 and a D12 except Durgan since he can not see.
"Good boy" says Zork to his dog as he pets him on the back and checks his wounds. Zork then says, "There can't be traps here with all the movement of the spiders they would have triggered something by now."
Zork should be on maximum, and since the dog got bitten Durgan would have healed it. Only Sessativa is down 5 health, so he uses another charge of the wand.
Sessativa looks around using her keen elf senses and mutters, "They can climb walls though."
"Strange," Sessativa mutters, "No other exits."
Durgan mentions, "Remember the other tower? There may be even more illusions at work here."
Sessativa casts her Detect Magic on the chair, then turns it to the walls and ceiling.
Out of Character: I was hoping to get the save against an illusion, alas. I can't believe I forgot to check the books.
In Character: Sessativa grabs a thicker tome off the shelf and hands it to Durgan.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" He asks.
She just laughs in response then goes off to start reading, trying to glean relevant information about the land and this tower.
After she's gone through a large majority of the available info, she quickly searches again.
Edited: iCon on 26th Jul, 2016 - 11:21am