Sessativa opens the door. Inside she sees a nicely rich appointed room that has nice tapestries and steps leading up to the next level. You do not see anything in the room that is living. You do smell the sweet scents of incense that seems to have just been burnt. You see candles on their stands that look to have just been put out. The wax is warm but no smoke is seen or smelt.
Zork says, "So, do I do anything with this lever or no?"
Zork sends his dog forward to sniff around.
"The door's open," she replies, "So you should be fine to test the lever. Just switch it back once we see what it does."
Durgan feels his way into the next room with Sessativa. She quickly checks the steps for traps, ready to continue.
Zork moves the lever and then quickly looks around to see what happens. "It might control something in another part of this place that we may not see but here goes.... "
When Zork movers the lever the bookcase swings forward revealing a hidden niche behind it. You see a sword, a helm, a shield and robe inside.
Sessativa does not see any tracks or traces of anyone being in the room. She does notice that the room is remarkably clean and free of dust or dirt. Even smoke. Durgan I need a few d6 and d12 rolls to see if you make it into the correct room or not unaided.
Zork says, "Hooray!" and tells the others. "Now while I will like to take these I'm not touching it until we know what they do. He looks at Sessativa and says, "Ms. Stormbough?"
Using the third charge from Durgan's wand, Sessativa uses Detect Magic on the newly revealed items.
"I can tell you if it's magic or not now, but identifying the items properly will take more time and expense. We are hot on somebody's trail here, are you sure you want to wait and lose the opportunity?
"Surely you can take a little risk and just put it on. I'll put the robe on right now if you do."
Out of Character: Do I have to cast Identify to tell what the item is, or can I see if I recognise it by looks alone?
Edited: iCon on 2nd Aug, 2016 - 6:26am