Out of Character: 3500 XP will put Sessativa at 11501 (Which gets her to level 4) and Durgan at 11420. Will update by this afternoon.
Zork is somewhat relieved to be back in civilization but very suspicious about who is trying to assassinate him and his friends.
Out of Character: First roll is Zork's and second roll is the dog's.
When Zork learns about what Sessativa saw he comments, "Do you think we are more unsafe hear than the woods? I still have my fortress to go to but you will stay here?"
Out of Character: How far am I from my fortress (Riding horse)?
Having told the party what she saw, Sessativa ignores Zork's question and utters the incantation to turn invisible. She ignores any commotion she causes, having done it out in the open, and jogs over to where she saw the guard in the alleyway, looking around.
Of course Durgan doesn't notice any change - to him everything is invisible. He keeps riding forward on his horse which Sessativa is no longer leading.
Zork comments, "Alright, now that was awkward. Shall we go to your home then before an arrow comes our way or town guards take an extra liking to us?"
Zork isn't really waiting for an answer as he moves forward to Durgan's home knowing that he will be much safer there.