Sessativa asks a few servants but all she gets is, "I am sorry madam but I did not see anything I need to get back/down to the market before I get in trouble." She needs to roll a couple d6 and d12s.
Durgan - You hear laughter around you but not close as someone says the guards hardly come down in this quarter of the town because it is not worthwhile for them. Only if someone is murdered says another.
Sessativa sighs and resigns herself to returning home. She continues drawing her map until she gets to a street sign or landmark that she can use as a reference.
Durgan frowns and stands at the gate. He's not sure how well he'll do guarding their loot as he listens out for anyone approaching too close.
Edited: iCon on 3rd Oct, 2016 - 4:34am
Zork shouts with sword in hand, "Stop now and I might let you live… continue and you will die and will feed your testicles to my dog!"
Out of Character: If they don't listen he will send his dog after them and make an attack of his own but I will wait on attack rolls to see what they do.
Zork and Durgan - The people inside stop trying to hide the possessions taken and begin to beg you for their lives. Durgan stands outside with his hand on the side of the house. The horse is not going anywhere right now. The dog sits in the doorway waiting for any commands.
Sessativa - She watches the servants coming and going but does not see anything amiss. She slowly makes her way back towards Durgan's house. She can make out landmarks easy by seeing that she is on high street that intersects with market street that leads down to the market and into the town center where the government building is at. Durgan's house is two streets over from market street on north street which leads from the town government buildings to the north gate.
Zork says, "First all but one of you will restore all items to the horse outside, then you will go to the feet of the man you stole these things from and kiss it while begging his forgiveness. If he forgives you I will let you go, if anything is missing or he does not forgive you will need to prepare for what happens next. The last one will remain inside this room and not move as my dog will be watching." Zork issues commands to dog to watch him.
They go out slowly taking the items they have with them. As they get outside they drop the items and take off running. Durgan can not give chase as he can not see. What does Zork do? You have one hostage still in the house. He is a old man that can hardly move as it is.
Durgan shouts after those escaping "You can always repent at the temple of Trithereon!"
Sessativa notes the streets on her map and puts it away. She thinks it's still too early to update the lady Estari, they can always talk tomorrow. She continues on to Candle Street and home.
Zork tells the old man, "Seems like your friends left you here as I suspected they would. Now, you will be taken to the law and made to tell them the location of all your little friends."
Zork tells his dog to keep watch as he ties the old man's hands and takes him along with Durgan and the rest of his belongings to where they last left his partner to see if she is there. If she is not there he will take Durgan to his home.