In Character: Satisfied that all is well with his fort and its expansion he calls for two soldiers to go to Durgan's home to find out how he is and if he needs to be escorted anywhere.
He then calls for any wise men acquainted with history to see if they know anything about those twin towers they came from.
Durgan sends word back that a fiendly church has cured him for a fee and that all is well. He mentions that there is still a stash to split and that we need to meet to speak with the lady.
Durgan and Sessativa also ask around for info on the towers and any enemies its previous owner may have made in town.
Zork is told a wise man that may know of anything about the two towers can be found in the Earls holding.
Durgan is told that while they are not certain about the two towers they had ventured to but a strong mage had lived in town but did not like a heavy hand from the local government so he hired some workmen and took them west for a few months. After that the workmen returned to the town and the mage was never heard from again. But they can not tell you if the two towers had anything to do with that they can not be certain.
In Character: Zork awaits word from Durgan and his partner. He remains content at his fort until then.
Out of Character: Dungeon Master: Where is the Earls Holding?
Icon: What's the division on treasure?
Zork inquires if there is anyone who can train him to be more skilled while he waits for Durgan. Perhaps some special exercises or raining to make him more agile (Dexterity) or wiser (Wisdom).