Once Sessativa put the robe on she can tell it is a grey robe or neutral thus she is able to wear it do to her neutral alignment. She will get the following major effects while wearing it. Gives her a AC of 5 before adding in the other defensive items, SHe will get a +1 to all her saving throws, it confers 5% magic resistance, the robe reduces magic resistance/saving throws by 20% -4 when the caster casts any of the following spells, Charm monster, charm person, friends, hold monster, hold person, ploymorph other and suggestion. Add the other defensive items starting with base 5 to get her current AC.
Durgan takes the guard to a private place and points the key at the guard. Nothing happens. You need to roll a d12.
While Durgan sorts himself out Zork will retire to his quarters after instructing his servant to ensure Durgan and his companion have their needs met.
Durgan is a little disappointed.
Out of Character: Are you sure on the alignment? Doesn't she count as 'good putting on a grey robe'. Durgan is standing by with a heal, so it's ok.
Edited: iCon on 8th Jan, 2017 - 12:25pm
Zork inquires what kind of entertainment is available. He asks if there is a jester or dancing girl in the fort and if not there should be some hired for general entertainment.
Zork calls up his steward, tells him what he wants and there there needs to be entertainment at the fort if it is to grow and asks him to make the arrangements.
Sessativa keeps the robe, but the Key gets left behind in the fort. Both are ready to head out in the morning.
Out of Character: Still have to edit statistics for the robe.
Edited: iCon on 10th Jan, 2017 - 2:03pm