"He has no reach to the inn east of my castle. As far as his dark magic's they do not penetrate my caste. The lady here is well versed in magic and will see that no dark magic befalls my place. No mercenaries are in my village and my guards make sure of that. As I am sure your spells have already told you some of this.
Durgan looks down, embarrassed. He doesn't look at the earl as he says, "Thank you, your excellency." He heads out, Sessativa curtsies and follows.
He heads over to the indicated inn, also ensuring all his horses can be stabled somewhere.
You find a room in the inn and they have a stable for your horses. The inn is clean and the food good. You are there for two days before you are summoned back to the earls court. During this time you hear about how peaceful it is in this valley. Everyone is well fed and happy no corruption is known besides a petty theft here or there.
Once you are back int the audience chamber you can see there is a full platoon of soldiers inside. They are well armed and you hear the Earl telling them to take no quarter until the job is done. The older mad talking to the earl salutes and states your "Will be done my lord." He turns and leads the men out of the chamber. Seeing you the earl waves you forward. "My friends I have set into place a full company of men to go and retake control of the town from the Councelor. I wish you to head back to Lady Estari and have her be ready I have written her a missive and wish you to deliver it to her." He hands you a missive delivered to your hand by a small girl. "You can leave as soon as you are able. You are dismissed." You will notice that the lady and the other man were not in attendance with the Earl. But there was a few armed and armored guards around him.
During the two days, Durgan comments to his companions, "Either this is too good to be true, or it will not last, or the Earl is extremely capable at keeping law and order as well as morale."
Zork, take a quiet roll until his sword is needed just follows Durgan and almost acts like a bodyguard for him and his companion even though he does not see himself that way.
The earl will offer you 1,00 gold for the horses. "My men can use the mounts and train them to be better mounts. My men will wear the colors of my court as this is my land no matter what council man Villerial thinks. They will not hide their colors. My trusted advisers will have my color on. My orders are quiet simple for my men. Take into custody any and all who support this evil councilman and bring them to justice."
Durgan says to Zork, "We have to do this, for the force of good and for all the people wronged."
Turning to the Earl, Durgan bows and says, "Consider it done. Sessativa curtsies and follows Durgan out.
Durgan completes the sale of the horses and gives half (50 gp) to Zork. He wonders if there's any supplies we still need and asks around for healing wands or potions, and something that could maybe speed their travels. Possibly also weapons and consumable items effective against demons and devils.