You head over across the hallway and open the door. This is a vast room and you torch light does not begin to cover it all. This room is 120 feet wide by 100 feet deep. The ceiling is 30 feet above you and you hear some shuffling going on inside the room. What is your next move?
Durgan heads in slowly holding his holy symbol. He motions Sessativa to move up behind him and squints to see the room. He shouts, "Who is over there?"
Durgan waits and holds position 15 feet inside the room with the door behind him. He expects to see zombies and attempts a turning when he sees them.
Turn Undead: 19
You explore the room. Inside this room are two still pools of water. Each one is 50 feet in diameter and spaced evenly in the room. The pools are surrounded by a low wall of about two feet and the bottom of the pools slope down towards the middle. In one corner you find a shelf with buckets on it. In another corner you see seven zombies standing there. What is your next move?
Durgan tests the water, first touching his holy symbol to it. Then he tries to pick some up in the bucket, still holding his symbol, and splash it on the zombies.