(In case Sessativa doesn't finish him) Durgan says "You chose wrong, sir." He continues to swing his fists
Attack(D20) 10, 18
Damage(D2) 2, 2
Durgan checks the pulses of the bandits, then casts a cure light wounds on Sessativa. His hand shines white bright as he touches her and heals 6 damage. He wonders where the 2 warriors went off to.
Durgan picks up a bow from the bandits and as many arrows as he can scavenge, also looking for food supplies. Then he leads Sessativa further East along the road.
Out of Character: Is it feasible for a cleric to use a bow against undead? Considering his weapons aren't allowed to draw blood and undead don't bleed.
Edited: iCon on 10th Aug, 2013 - 4:58am