Durgan thanks his lucky stars that they threw down their only advantage and continues to run towards them. He swipes at their legs to incapacitate them without killing them.
Out of Character: Apologies again. He wields a two-handed heavy mace with no shield, so should be AC 3 then.
In Character: I don't recognise your companion's holy symbol but I admire his resolve," the dreadlocked Half-Orc says to Zorc, again tending to his wounds. As he straps on another herbal poultice, singing softly, you notice the Unicorn Horn on his shield gleam and feel healing goodness spreading. "Come on - let's do our best to follow his example." The young stranger - still an adolescent - raises his shield and rushes to Durgan's aid.
Specific Action: Gell casts his second cure light wounds on Zorc and hurries to help Durgan.
Emily you are now awake from your faint. You do have a headache but otherwise you are fine. You do feel very thirsty. You can hear yelling and fighting coming from the woods.
Durgan calling a shot towards a specific part of the body is -4 on attack roll due to called shot. You missed them but one gets a lucky shot on you hitting you for 6 damage.
Out of Character: Yes with no shield you are at AC 3
Emily shakes off the cobwebs and focuses on where the commotion is. She will hop out of the wagon and try to quickly get into short bow range.
Durgan continues his assault, aiming for the legs. He hopes he doesn't have to do this alone, but thinks would be able to if need be.
Out of Character: The name is "Zork" Not "Zorc" But thanks for the healing.
In Character: Feeling a lot better from the treatment given by this new stranger Zork says, "Thank you stranger, I'm Zork and I owe you the favor, and you are?"
Specific Action: Zork, first checks on those in the wagon, if needed helps Durgan in battle and then starts to search all the bodies of the bandits.
Out of Character: Sorry Txtrpg - and the correct spelling is right in front of me too!
In Character: Gell the half-orc charges to help the priest with blue robes and the three-armed fylfot. Noticing that Durgan isn't fighting at full ferocity, but only taking non-lethal opportunities, Gell also aims his attack at the bandit's legs. There is a happy smile on his face - Zork asked him his name!
Specific Action: When he arrives, Gell attempts a called shot (-4) against the bandit's legs:
Emily you are within short bow range from the wagon. They are right in the tree line.
Durgan you miss on your attacks they both miss you back.
Zork and Gell you will just now be arriving within melee range. Called shots are -4 to hit. Or you can simply attack them to kill them.