The temple is not rich in any way the temple is a simple one story wooden building with a few rooms in the back behind the main sanctuary.
The clergyman will tell you that they will pay 100 gp for all tomes they are able to recover. They will tell you any other treasure you find in that temple you can keep for your troubles, they only are interested in the tomes.
Erallis smiles at the priestess in a flirtatious manner and hands her 5 Gp.
He had 90 Gp, so he now has 85.
Durgan asks the priestess if he could hand over an ex-slave for care at the temple and then thanks her for her time and follows Erallis out in order to find his friend.
Edited: iCon on 2nd Jun, 2013 - 5:10am
Gregmon and Erallis head to market and buy the following supplies, then meet Durgan at the Eastern Gate.
2 Weeks rations
2 Waterskins
Rope 50 ft
2 Torches
Flask of Oil
Tinderbox (Flint + Steel)
Large Tent
I don't know the prices off hand and if I take the time to look it up my internet will most likely not be working again when I return, so would you mind telling me how much money to deduct after purchases?
By my calculations, everything except the large tent should come to a total of 9 gp, 14 sp, 2 cp but there are no tents in the handbook.
At the East gate Durgan asks if there will be a travelling guard leaving with them on the road anytime soon.
Oinodaemon your total purchase price due to no tent I figured that it would be a few silver would be 10 gold 5 silver, for everything.
Icon you are told that the guards do not patrol the roads that is the job of the royal army. They have not been here for a few days and it will be a couple weeks before they return. You are told the thieves and brigands normally hide when they see the royals coming and then return to their spots a few days afterwards. The royal army patrols the roads routinely but with such a vast area they can be going three to four weeks at a time.