Zork feels its time for his broadsword, maybe this way he can inflict more damage on the enemy.
The lady responds that she is fine and soon these bandits will be done with.
Zork switches to his sword missing with the opening swing but the second swing connects enough to injure his opponent. Durgan has the same luck missing and then connecting to injure. The bandits are not doing well by missing again and again. After trading near misses again Zork and Durgan finish off the last two in front of them.
Upon turning around you see the lady looking about in the room to make sure all are dead.
Zork likewise checks the room to ensure no one is pretending to be dead. He will also search all for what valuables can be found. Then he will search the room itself.
"That is hardly worth dividing and the lady deserves it all after her doing most of the work."
Zork recovers his arrows and then begins to look at the layout.
Out of Character: Any chance of a map if there is more to explore here?
"Good point," Durgan says offering her all the coins found. "Let's continue down the corridor. I think we have found something promising if there were guards posted."
Durgan remains in the middle.