Out of Character: Then let's do it.
In Character: Zork says, "Let's find a good camp site but remember the wagon makes tracks so we don't want to be followed. Wherever we put the wagon should not be the same place we camp but we should still be able to see the wagon."
"Let's just leave the wagon behind," Durgan suggests. "It will warn whoever comes next and there's nothing in it anyway. When we head back to town we can take it."
"This is as good a spot as any," Durgan says at the grove. "Just let me lie down," He yawns and begins unpacking. "I'll try not to sleep, just rest my wounds."
"So tomorrow we stay in the trees and head for that hill top an hour away? Emily, did you get any more information?"
Zork, now ready to have a needed rest, agrees and begins to move towards the trees. He get off his horse and looks for a nice place it can rest and eat some shrubs.
The half-orc agrees to everything that Durgan suggests. He's tired of discussion and just wants someone to tell him what to do.
Out of Character: Maybe a party leader isn't necessary in combat but in other situations, I think the game needs a leader to force decisions. Or do we all have to tell Kntoran individually that we are going to camp in the grove? Since we all agree, we need someone to tell Kntoran what we are doing. I'm new here, so I nominate Zork the Swift Sword to post our plans.
Out of Character: Why can't we just post our own actions than have a leader? I think its faster that way. If I'm out voted on this I rather not be the leader as I'm even 'newer' to this style of Role-playing Game .
Out of Character: The three of us were in agreement, so I thought it was a fair time to post. That, and I was previously the leader. I do think that any player should take the initiative and post for the others, but only when agreed or voted by a majority.
I hope the others haven't left the game.
Out of Character: Well if you want to continue being the leader go ahead, but I rather not. Missing from this is Kermit, I think he was given the boot or left on his own from the site. The others are supposed to be here.
Durgan shoots up from his bedroll, sniffing the air. "Fire!" He shouts as he looks around fervently.
He calms as he sees no immediate danger and says, "Whoever is cooking to the south must have started not long ago. We shouldn't break camp, let's hurry to the source. No time for breakfast!" Before even hearing their answers, he begins putting on his armor. "Some help please, Zork I'll help you in return."
Out of Character: I think anyone can speak for all of us, as long as we agree on an action.