Out of Character: How did you like Zork's extra touch at being a gentleman? I felt we really did not do anything special we would have probably died long ago. Given she left the girls alone to help us I thought it was only fair.
Out of Character: Do you think we cleared out this place already or there is more? The next adventure might be escorting the lady and the girls.
There is probably more. The rooms we randomly walked into can't be the only occupied rooms. Durgan is more interested in finding the bandits' motivations and perhaps the rest of their treasure if there's more.
The way I read what KNtoran wrote, Zork is healed almost to maximum, but 1 under. That's just my understanding, I don't know the spell or item used as I'm not that familiar with Advanced edition.
Out of Character: Yeah, you're right I misread it because of the way it was worded, I understand it now.