Out of Character: Let's see what I get with the fort, I'm not ready to give it up yet, plus Zork's home will be bigger than yours. (Laugh).
Out of Character: I don't think Lady Estari left the council chambers. Don't worry Durgan knows Zork is interested and will ask on his behalf. I should've posted when I had a break 3 hours ago.
Out of Character: Maybe I lost track, how much was my share of gold? With all this expense I will need to know what I need and probably tax anyone wanting to live with the quarters. This is big stuff for a new comer to adventuring.
Alright let's collate all of the gear together.
Page 119:
+3 long sword two long swords are +1 each
+2 Scalemail
+1 shield helm of brilliance boots of elvinkind.
3 necklaces of gold with a gem pendant one blue, one green and one amber.
350 gold, 275 silver, 487 copper. 320 platinum. Other than this you find common items like rope, oil flasks, rations, back packs, sacks, spikes, poles, practice swords, padded armor, water skins and bottles of wine.
Page 132:
340 Platinum, 13,000 gold, 23,000 silver, 76,000 copper
Leather armor 10 sets
Studded leather armor 10 sets ring mail 5 sets three medium shields of wood five steel helms plain six long swords six bastard swords
10 short swords
5 heavy maces
15 spears
5 morning stars
15 short bows
500 arrows
5 light cross bows
250 bolts three sacks of caltrops 50 to a sack four wands
I take it that we are keeping the split suggested before of 30 to 30 to 40 for the lady, but we keep the gear.
660 platinum splits 198 to each of us and 264 to the lady.
13350 gold splits 4005 each and 5340.
23275 silver splits 6982.5 each and 9310.
76487 copper splits 22946 each and 30595.
Now the exchange rate is not as simple as 3.5 edition or Pathfinder. In Advanced it's
200 cp = 20 sp = 1 gp = 1/5 pp.
Any of the gear that you want? I don't normally use a shield since my mace is two handed. The helmet is so good yet so dangerous I might hold onto it as well as the +2 scale mail. I'd also like a few caltrops and the wine.
Also we have four more wands to identify.
Out of Character: Zork will hold on the +3 long sword you can sell the rest, he doesn't want anything else. Yes, please sell off the rest and let me know how much you get for them I will need money to run the fort. Thanks for all the calculations.
Of course. You can take all the miscellaneous gear because it will be useful setting up a new place (And because I don't have the exact quantity). The other stuff earns us 298 gp each.